Discover our features

All the featuers you expect, even more

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Visualize & break down engagement trends
Build funnels & find key retention drivers
See the impact of product launches & experiments
Insights report

Analyze product usage in detail

  • Slice and dice user behavior trends to explore them from all angles.

  • See how often users perform meaningful actions, monitor growth of key user cohorts, like power users

  • know how current trends compare to previous results.

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Funnel Report

Know who converts and why

  • Build funnels on the fly, then break them down by any user attribute or behavior to understand which users convert best.

  • Locate the funnel steps that cause friction, so you can better engage users before they drop off.

cover-base cover-children
Signal Report

Identify behaviors that lead long term retention

  • Correlate in-product actions with user engagement, retention, or any meaningful event, such as making a purchase.

  • Use your findings to nudge users towards the actions that lead them to experience value and stick around.

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our values

Learn About Other NioLand Features

Click tracking

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Deliver Impact Results

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A/B Test Variants

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Limitless Segmentation

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Team Dashboard & Alerts

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Integration Directory

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